Press Release
Callbright Integrates With Reynolds and Reynolds’ New Contact Management
Houston, TX — July 15, 2014 — Callbright, a leader in total call management solutions, recently integrated with Reynolds and Reynolds’ new Contact Management enhanced CRM solution. The new Contact Management allows dealers using ERA or POWER DMS software to manage sales, service and parts prospects and customers using any Internet browser and device. Dealerships that use both the new Contact Management and Callbright can now automatically manage phone calls within the CRM application instead of separately logging into the Callbright interface.
“We’re always looking for opportunities to improve our services. With the ability to link leads to existing clients and prospects in Contact Management, our clients can now more conveniently and effectively monitor their staff and capitalize on sales leads,” said Callbright Sales Manager Jordan Bentley.
All Callbright telephony products can be integrated with the new Contact Management to provide customers with a more efficient lead management solution. Users can also review phone calls by playing call recordings in the updated Contact Management application.
About Callbright
Callbright provides complete, real-time telephone communication management via web-based tools to help businesses optimize marketing investments and enhance customer relationships. Callbright clients can track advertising effectiveness through telephone responses, record and monitor inbound calls, track outbound calls and send broadcast messages. Additionally, training features provided through Callbright help establish accountability and improve the performance of personnel, leading to increased profitability. (